Of course, let us not forget that great philosopher Seinfeld who taught us to say, "You're SO good looking!"
Makes every bit as much sense as "Bless you."
for those born in or dragged in as little children, normal customs are not imprinted on our minds.. such as the simple saying ''bless you'' when somebody sneezes.
this has frustrated my wife for as long as we have been together!
she felt it very rude that when she would sneeze i would not respond with the customary phrase, i had to explain that it just was not part of my culture, not imprinted on me.
Of course, let us not forget that great philosopher Seinfeld who taught us to say, "You're SO good looking!"
Makes every bit as much sense as "Bless you."
this young man from wisconsin has been battling cancer for many years.
his doctor told him that they have done everything humanly possible to help him but that he will die.
it's very sad to see this 28 year old man break down as he does.. personally, i don't think i could go on youtube or anywhere else and video myself telling the world, "goodbye"..
That was heart-wrenching. I feel so sad for him and his family and friends.
Poppers: I am so sorry about your brother. I hope they can keep his pain under control and make him as comfortable as possible. The ONLY redeeming feature of knowing your days are numbered is that you have a chance to get your affairs in order and settle any personal issues between family and friends. Too often people die suddenly in accidents and leave things hanging... That just adds to the grief of their loved ones. My best to you and yours.
little background.
i'm dfed been dfed for about 4 to 6 years if you include the first dfment and getting back in for 6 months then 2008 dfed second time.. i did alot of research in 2010 to now and well from getting dfed for a total different reason just makes me look like a sinner who is unrepentent in my family.
the only people who know my researching is mainly my sister and mom.. .
Unfortunately, your sister probably won't listen, but you could try asking her if the "Faithful Slave" meant it when it said in the July, 2009 Awake! "...no one should have to choose between their family and their beliefs". If they didn't really mean it, or try to claim that it doesn't apply to JWs because "we have the truth," then they have institutionalized hypocrisy. Either that article meant what it said, or it didn't. They can't have it both ways.
None of Jesus' brothers or sisters followed him until after his death. There is no record that he ever shunned them. On the contrary, there is every reason to believe that he treated them the same as anyone else with good sense would treat his siblings.
The only other organization I know of that says once you're in you can never leave is the Mafia. The JWs are the biggest whiners of all when relatives of newly interested ones try to persuade them to stop their studies. They're the first ones to cry "Persecution!" and make a lot of noise about freedom of religion. But if a Witness should do independent research and decide they don't want to be JW anymore, that's a whole different story. There's a BIG price to be paid. Like I said, they're hypocrites.
You don't have to make your mom choose. Just let her know that, come what may, you will always be there for her. Unconditional love means just that... unconditional.
My best to you and yours,
apologies if there is another recent thread on this, but i have heard from 4 different people in 3 different geographic areas (including someone who does advance work for the dcs), that beginning in 2013 the three day dc program will be replaced by a second two-day circuit assembly.
some people were passing the info along like a secret, others seemed to think that everyone already knew.. if everyone in j-dub land is already talking about this, how is it not all over this forum??.
anyway, can anyone confirm or deny?.
This may be a case of waning interest in many areas coupled with the lackluster economy. Gone are the days when the average "publisher" could uproot his whole family and traipse to New York for a delightful 8 day festival of spiritual gorging. Just think what such a thing would cost today. Again, partly because of the economy in general but also largely because of the Society's discouragement of higher education and the careers that go with that, most of the "brothers" simply couldn't afford something like that. Oh, some would wreck themselves financially to try to make it, but I doubt nearly enough could actually pull it off to make it worthwhile.
I was in NYC as a child for both the 1958 and 1963 for the International Conventions. They were indeed 8 long, long days. Everyone, including the most ardent adults, was exhausted both mentally and physically at the end of each day. I doubt anyone retained very much from the ceaseless pounding of spiritual drivel into their skulls.
Anyway, reducing the conventions from 3 back to 2 days may be a back-door way to try to increase attendance. Of course, I haven't been to a JW meeting of any kind in about 10 years and will never go to one again, but I can see why they may want to try this out.
as of this morning, i *am* a doctor!.
dr kudra, phd!.
la de da!.
Congratulations Dr. Kudra! That is a major accomplishment. Few can really understand the dedication and hard work it requires to earn a doctorate. I don't know you, but I am SO proud of you!
It is a crying shame that many otherwise capable young people are stifled by the Faithless Indiscreet Slave's policy that they should get "only enough education to meet their basic needs." I am so glad to you didn't fall victim to that repressive, mind-controlling, and ultimately self-defeating dictum.
I am happy to say there are some JWs who don't lap up everything the "Slave" disgorges. I have a cousin whose daughter is pursuing her doctorate in one of the life sciences at a major university here in North America. She is doing very well and I have no doubt that big things are in store for her. Her parents are still "model" JWs and rarely mention her activities outside the family, but I know they're practically bursting with pride over her accomplishments. It's such a shame that they can't see the contradiction in values. Cognitive dissonance is powerful force... When you add that to the social coercion and emotional blackmail that are the hallmarks of JW control tactics, you can see why it is so hard for so many to accept the real truth about the Watchtower.
On a happier note, congratulations again on earning your doctorate! Best wishes for a long and happy career.
finally - i get it.
oh my gosh.. .
why did the chicken cross the road?.
Bill Clinton: I did not cross the road with that chicken.
ok folks, it's that time of year.
school's out, the kids are running around (well actually staring at the video screen), the days are longer and the night are cool.
with the lazy hot days of summer ahead what's on your reading list?.
I am just now reading 11/22/63 by Stephen King. Can hardly put it down.
Interspersing that with a fairly recent biography of FDR by Ted Morgan. Pretty wordy, more minutia that I'd bargained for, but still interesting. I'm on page 306 out of 774, and he only just got elected governor of New York. It's worth continuing to wade through because I'm looking forward to the World War II years. Seems there was lots of skulduggery and infighting by just about everybody on all sides.
For light summer reading, I can recommend Between, Georgia by Joshilyn Jackson. Excellent book with lots of uncannily accurate descriptions of what life in a small town in the deep South is still like. People are people, no matter where they live and what their accent. By the way, if you can find the unabridged audio version, the author narrates her own book and her accent and voice inflection for the different characters is absolutely delicious. Cracker Barrel restaurants may still have some you can rent for about $3.50 a week. What a deal!
first of all, i really appreciate it when official, especially "secret," boe letters and the like are posted here.
it's great to have that stuff on hand, straight from the horse's... uhh...mouth, when certain "friends" deny the slave would ever do or say such and such.... anyway, there have been some references to a letter they sent out about using ipads and the like during congregation meetings.
could anyone provide a scan or link to this letter?
Hello all,
First of all, I really appreciate it when official, especially "secret," BOE letters and the like are posted here. It's great to have that stuff on hand, straight from the horse's... uhh...mouth, when certain "friends" deny the Slave would ever do or say such and such...
Anyway, there have been some references to a letter they sent out about using iPads and the like during congregation meetings. Could anyone provide a scan or link to this letter? That would be really nice to have.
Thanks in advance to anyone who posts a copy.
Regards to all,
http://www.newschannel9.com/news/top-stories/stories/vid_368.shtml .
marion county assault victim remains hospitalized.
by karen zatkulak .
Not to spoil everyone's obvious glee at a "rogue" JW getting caught doing something bad, and speaking purely as the Devil's Advocate, but I highly doubt this assailant is actually a JW. He was much more likely posing as JW to throw his victim off her guard. That said, I'd bet my last nickel that he does have some knowledge of or connection to the JWs, perhaps through family. What complete stranger to the JWs would even think of using that ploy?
Regardless, JW or not, I hope they find this bastard and throw the book at him. Maybe he will learn what being violated feels like when he gets to prison.
i have been on this site daily, almost from its beginning, since i left the jws in 2001, but i have been more of a reader than a poster, as you can see from my post count.
i know few here know me, although i know many of you through reading your posts.
maybe it is not right to ask for support, when i generally stay quietly in the background of this forum, but i want only to speak a human misery of the deepest kind.
Dear Truman,
I am shocked and grieved at your loss. I have a son about the same age, and I don't know that I could carry on if something happened to him. The love between a father and son is just as powerful as that of a mother and son... even stronger sometimes.
I know it's not enough, and will never take the pain away, but your friends are here for you with open hearts and listening ears for whatever you wish to share about your precious son and how much he meant to you. Godspeed, my friend.